Institut für Theoretische Physik Forschung Kondensierte Materie
Lattice realization of topological defects in 2D Conformal Field Theories (CFTs)

Lattice realization of topological defects in 2D Conformal Field Theories (CFTs)

Madhav Sinha (Rutgers)

Ort: kleiner Seminarraum 269, Appelstraße 2
Zeit: 10:15 Uhr


Topological defect lines in 2D CFTs have experienced a resurgence in the context of categorical symmetries. In this talk, I will present the lattice realization of these lines for unitary Minimal Models. I will use spin chains, such as the Transverse Field Ising model and the Three-State Potts model, as well as integrable Restricted Solid-on-Solid (RSOS) models, for these constructions. I will compare known defect line operators in spin chains, RSOS models, and anyonic chains and discuss the lattice realization of a defect line which was previously unknown. I will also use these 1+1D models to discuss boundary RG flows between defect CFTs.