Institute of Theoretical Physics Research Condensed Matter Theory
Density of states for the staggered inhomogeneous six-vertex model

Density of states for the staggered inhomogeneous six-vertex model

Dr. Gleb Kotousov, DESY

Theoretisch-Physikalisches Seminar

Abstract: The inhomogeneous six-vertex model is a multiparametric integrable 2D statistical system. In a certain domain of the anisotropy parameter it turns out to be critical and is expected to exhibit many interesting types of universal behaviour. This talk will be mainly focused on the "staggered'''' case of the model, which has attracted attention in the literature due to the fact that its spectrum of scaling dimensions possesses a continuous component. I will explain how the density of states of the continuous spectrum, that was originally found for a certain class of "primary'''' states, was recently obtained for all the low lying eigenstates by means of the ODE/IQFT correspondence.

Ort: Seminarraum 269, Appelstr. 2
Zeit: 14:15 Uhr