We would like to announce the fourth edition of the SWI initiative! The workshop addresses PhD students and early career researchers in the field of integrability. It is an opportunity to discuss our research in a relaxed setting. This year we have the honor of having two keynote speakers:
- Balázs Pozsgay (Eötvös Loránd University)
- Tomaž Prosen (University of Ljubljana)
Besides the invited speakers, participants are encouraged to contribute to the workshop by giving a talk about their field of expertise. The non-scientific program includes a local trip, a conference dinner and more.
For more information please visit our websites
- integrability.pj4e.de
- go.lu-h.de/SWI2022 (for registration and submission of abstracts)
For updates you can follow us on Facebook .
The deadline for registration and submission of Abstracts is 15.02.2022.