2006-2009: M.Sc. in Computational Physics, Al Neelain University, Thesis title: "Calculations of exciton behavior for extended Peierls-Hubbard system using Density Matrix Renormalization Group", Advisor: Prof. Abdel Monim Artoli.
2001-2012: Teaching and Technical Assistant, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Physics Department:
2001-2005: Teaching physics experiments for undergraduate students.
2005-2009: Technical supervision of undergraduate physics laboratories.
2009-2012: Supervisor of the simulation laboratory of the physics department.
Summer 2011: Teaching computational physics for undergraduate students.
Since November 2012: Research Staff, Leibniz University Hannover:
Since November 2012: Tutorials for physics undergraduate and MSc students in quantum theory, statistical physics, advanced quantum physics, computational physics.
Winter 2022-2023: Teaching the course "Computational methods for quantum correlated systems" for MSc students.
Winter 2023-2024: Teaching the course "Computational methods for quantum correlated systems" for MSc students.
2021-2023: Supervisor of the MSc research project "Topological Phases of One and Two Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Wires on a Semiconducting Substrate" conducted by Mr. Keshab Sony.