Degree | Topic | Status |
B.Sc. | Weak Equivalence Principle and Free-Fall Experiments in Quantum Mechanics. | finished August 2020 by Hauke Köhn (U. Hannover) |
Ph.D. | Post-Newtonian description of quantum systems in gravitational fields. | finished July 2020 by Philip Schwartz (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | The Chameleon Mechanism and its role in circumventing constraints in extended theories of Gravity | finished July 2020 by Fridtjof Kerker (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Spacetimes with changing signature: The Israel-Darmois jump-condition applied to the case of the No-Boundary-Proposal. | finished May 2020 by Robin Valtin (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Investigations into interior solutions for the Kerr geometry. | finished March 2020 by Oskar Schiller (U. Hannover) |
M.Sc. | Global Structure of space-times with non-vanishing NUT charge. | finished February 2020 by Schiden Yohannes (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Analysis of mass-reconstruction of the Bullet-Cluster by strong gravitational lensing and its significance as evidence for Dark Matter. | finished December 2019 by Jannis Klamt (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Interpretation of ideal-fluid star-models with NUT charge | finished June 2019 by Wajahat Rana (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Fermionic stars as possible candidates for compact objects at galaxy centres | finished June 2019 by Dennis Berndt (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Geometric-topological properties of Kerr spacetime in the zero-mass limit | finished May 2019 by Henning Korbmacher (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Testing the EEP [Einstein Equivalence Principle] with Quantum Clocks | finished June 2018 by Thomas Arne Hensel (U. Hannover) |
M.Sc. | Wald-Entropy and the Second-Law of Black-Hole Thermodynamics in f(R)-Theories of Gravity | finished May 2018 by Daniel Holzwart (U. Hannover) |
M.Sc. | Numerical Construction of Corvino-Type Gluing for Brill-Lindquist Initial Data | finished April 2018 by Daniel Pook-Kolb (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Mass determination of compact binaries through gravitational-wave analysis | finished April 2018 by Marlin Benedikt Schäfer (U. Hannover) |
M.Sc. | Applications of Twistor Theory in General Relativity | finished March 2018 by Yannic Borchard (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Principel-Bundle formulation of General Relativity | finished March 2018 by Max Stanley Schult (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Hamiltonian Structure of Diffeomorphism-Invariant Field Theories | finished February 2018 by Lennart Janshen (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Geometrical and Topological Properties of the Lensing Map for Gravitational Lenses | finished February 2018 by Oscar Gawlik (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | The Role of Surface Integrals in Gauge Theories with Long-Ranging Fields | finished December 2017 by Thomas Kurbach (U. Hannover) |
Ph.D. | Multi-Black-Hole Configurations as Models for Inhomogeneous Cosmologies | finished March 2017 by Michael Fennen (Research Training Group "Models of Gravity" U. Bremen) |
Ph.D. | Deformation and Contraction of Symmetries in Special Relativity | finished March 2017 by Lukas Konstantin Brunkhorst (Research Training Group "Models of Gravity" U. Bremen) |
B.Sc. | Multipole structure of the Kerr metric | finished February 2017 by Schiden Yohannes (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | The Kerr-Geometry and its block-form according to O'Neill with physical applications | finished November 2016 by Timo Hoppe (U. Hannover) |
M.Sc. | Interpretation and ambiguities of Bowen-York-type black-hole initial data | finished July 2016 by Julian Westerweck (U. Hannover) |
M.Sc. | Tidal deformations of black holes in non-axially-symmetric configurations | finished July 2016 by Christoph Dreißigacker (U. Hannover). Supervised in collaboration with Badri Krishnan |
M.Sc. | Alternate-Polarity perturbations to the Blanford-Znajek process | finished in May 2016 by Jens Florian Mahlmann (U. Hannover/U. València). Supervised in collaboration with Miguel Ángel Aloy Torás (València) |
M.Sc. | On the relation between 3D euclidean gravity and Chern-Simons theory | finished in January 2016 by Thomas Brockt (U. Hannover). Supervised in collaboration with Tobias Osborne |
B.Sc. | Application of the Lorentz-Boost-Link-Problem to velocity addition in Special Relativity | finished in February 2016 by Pablo Tieben (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | 4D black-hole entropy through 3D euclidean anti-DeSitter gravity | finished October 2015 by Jonas Haferkamp (U. Hannover) |
M.Sc. | The lattice-structure of chronologically closed subsets in Minkowski space in view of Randall & Foulis' "operational logic" | finished September 2015 by Tobias Schönwitz (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Modifications of time-symmetric initial data for two black holes according to Corvino | finished September 2015 by Yannic Borchard (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Ambiguities for Bowen-York type initial data | finished July 2015 by Timo Ziegler (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | The Geometry of Carroll Structures | finished June 2015 by Fabian Hartmann (U. Hannover) |
Diploma | The charged point-mass in the FLRW universe | finished April 2015 by Patrick Stahl (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Applications of the Hopf Fibration in Physics | finished December 2014 by Johannes Berger (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Einstein's field equations and apparent horizons in initial-data problems of General Relativity | finished Oktober 2014 by Florian Fitzek (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Kaluza-Klein geometry of stationary spacetimes | finished September 2014 by Philip Schwartz (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | The Blanford-Znajek process | finished August 2014 by Alexander Herbst (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Definitions and comparison of quasi-local mass in General Relativity | finished June 2014 by Jens Florian Mahlmann (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Time symmetric initial data and binding energies in General Relativity | finished July 2014 by Antonio Cuvalo (U. Hannover) |
M.Sc. | Tidal deformation of spinning black holes | finished June 2014 by Miriam Cabero Müller (U. Hannover). Supervised in collaboration with Badri Krishnan |
B.Sc. | Mathematical aspects of velocity addition in Special Relativity | finished March 2014 by Jakob Schwer (U. Hannover) |
Ph.D. | Stability of type D spacetimes | begun May 2010 - finished April 2014 by Steffen Aksteiner (U. Hannover and ZARM Bremen) |
Ph.D. | The Schrödinger-Newton equation as model for self-gravitating quantum systems | begun October 2010 - finished November 2013 by André Großardt (U. Hannover and ZARM Bremen) |
B.Sc. | Quasi local expressions for mass/energy in General Relativity | finished November 2013 by Thomas Brockt (U. Hannover) |
M.Sc. | Black holes in cosmological spacetimes as exact solutions of Einstein's equations | finished November 2013 by Michael Fennen (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Time reversal in classical mechanics and field theory | finished September 2013 by Tobias Schönwitz (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Upper bounds on electromagnetic field strength in the exterior regions of black holes | finished September 2013 by Daniel Borcherding (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Estimates on the influence of the Solar corona on light propagation in view of proposed Shapiro time-delay experiments | finished April 2013 by Lars Nieder (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Emission of gravitational waves by deformed neutron stars | finished March 2013 by Hannes Dupuis (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Rigid motion in Special Relativity | finished November 2012 by Mykhaylo Panchenko (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Mass and angular momentum determination of the Galactic Black Hole | finished August 2012 by Andreas Gläfke (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | On a new scheme for breaking Lorentz-Symmetry according to Cohen & Glashow | finished December 2011 by Nikolas Nüsken (U. Hannover) |
Diploma | Theoretical bases of atom interferometric tests of the equivalence principle | finished December 2011 by Laura Schmidt (U. Bonn/Hannover) |
Diploma | Thomas-Precession in Very Special Relativity | finished November 2011 by Roland Lutz (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Energy-Momentum in General Relativity | finished September 2011 by Michael Fennen (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | Galactic Black Holes | finished April 2011 by Sarah Paczkowski (U. Hannover) |
B.Sc. | The gravitational field as optically active medium, with applications to cosmology | finished October 2010 by David Klein (U. Hannover) |
Ph.D. | Geometric methods for kinematics and dynamics in relativistic theories of gravity with applications to cosmology and space physics | finished October 2010 by Matteo Carrera (U. Freiburg) |